
October 23, 2023

Reading The Tape – This you NEED to know

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    At Funded Trades Now For You, we always strive to produce articles that can help traders become more and more successful by introducing concepts and techniques that might be new or unclear to some people. We spoke about both fundamental issues such as GDP, Unemployment, the FED, the New Home Sales report, and much more (all of which you can find on our blog page) and different aspects of technical analysis such as candlestick and chart patterns clearly explained in our ebook (and you can also find that on our website).
    We intend to carry on in these steps and provide even more value to our traders as we go on because helping traders, both economically and educationally, is excartly what we do!

    That being said and with no further ado, let’s talk about today’s topic: Reading the Tape.

    What does “reading the tape” mean in trading?

    When traders talk about “reading the tape”, they are referring to a technique that involves analyzing and interpreting the information displayed on what is still called a “ticker tape”, which – even in today’s electronic format – represents movements in stock prices and trading volumes in real-time. It does that by displaying a continuous stream of data, including price updates, bid and ask prices, trade volume, and other very relevant information.

    When traders “read the tape”, they observe and analyze data to gain a better insight and understanding of current market trends, price movements, and investor sentiment. It’s a matter of looking for patterns, significant price movements, or changes in trading volume that could indicate potential opportunities to meet Mr. Profit.

    reading the tape

    The three main factors you should look out for when reading the tape.

    Price Movements:

    Monitor how prices are changing in real-time. Look out for significant increases or decreases, breakouts from key levels, or even reversals.
    These price movements can provide you with important indications of market sentiment and potential trading opportunities.


    Trading Volume:

    Observe the volume of trades taking place. You can get a pretty good idea of the interest level and participation in a particular stock or market.
    Unusually high volume could indicate strong buying or selling pressure, potentially signaling a trend continuation in some cases or a reversal in others.



    Order Flow:

    Pay attention to the bid and ask sizes and prices. You will be better positioned to understand the current market’s supply and demand dynamics.
    Large or aggressive orders can indicate institutional buying or selling, which might influence price movements and offer you another chance to meet the same Mr. Profit from earlier.

    Five “Tape Reading Tactics” to get you started.

    Here are five of the most popular Tape Reading Tactics you can start familiarizing yourself with right now.

    “Order Book Analysis” tactic.

    Analyze the depth and size of the order book. This can help you identify areas of support and resistance that you can then draw on your chart. Look out for large buy or sell orders (“icebergs”); they often indicate significant buying or selling pressure which could confirm or reverse the current trend.

    “Time and Sales Analysis” tactic.

    Monitor the time and sales data, which displays real-time trade executions. Analyzing the speed and volume of the trades that you see, can provide you with a very interesting insight into market sentiment and potential short-term price movements.

    “Volume Profile Analysis” tactic.

    Make a point of examining the volume profile, which shows the trading volume at different price levels over a specified period. This analysis can help you to identify areas on the chart with a high level of trading activity which – again – you can use to determine potential level of support and resistance.

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    “Level 2 Data Analysis” tactic.

    Simply put, the Level 2 Data Analysis tactic consists of analyzing information regarding the bid and ask prices and the order sizes outside of the best bid and ask. You can monitor the level 2 data to identify potential areas of interest, such as heavy buying or selling pressure at specific price levels.

    “Tape Reading Pattern” tactic.

    Experienced tape readers often develop their own set of patterns based on historical price and order flow data. These patterns may indicate potential reversals, breakouts, or the presence of institutional buying/selling. With time you’ll be able to do that in an expert manner too but, for now, nothing stops you from giving it a go and trying things out.


    Could Tape Reading be a good strategy for you?

    What do the studies say?

    Numerous studies have been conducted on Tape Reading. These studies were mainly aimed at establishing whether Tape Reading offers any actual trading advantages compared to other techniques and strategies and, if so, to whom

    It turns out, Tape Reading absolutely does offer numerous benefits. It can put traders in a much better position to “have a real-time feel” for exactly what is going on in the market right whilst it is going on!
    Studies on Tape Reading also suggest that it is not a “do-it-all” strategy and that it’s not suitable for everyone. Tape Reading, as powerful as it might be, does come with its limitations (and what doesn’t?).
    Interpreting the order flow’, for example, can be a very subjective business as different traders might interpret the same data differently. It can also be very hard, whilst Tape Reading, to distinguish and separate useful signals from the general chaos of random fluctuations.

    Another thing that the Reading the Tape studies suggest is that this strategy is way more effective when it’s adopted and used in conjunction with at least another signalling method. Either a technical or a fundamental indicator would be appropriate. It is when different strategies or indicators confirm one another that Reading the Tape provides the best benefits.


    Determining if tape reading is the best form of trading for you involves understanding the nature of tape reading and assessing how it aligns with your trading goals, personality, skill set, and risk tolerance.

    Remember, trading is highly individualistic, and what works for one person may not work for another. Exploring different trading strategies and adjusting based on your strengths, preferences, and goals is essential for finding the most suitable approach for you.

    Once again, hope this helps.
    Trade on, traders!

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