
October 5, 2023

FTNFU $160k Funded Trader – “Funded Trades Now For You helped me control my risk management.”

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    “Focusing on my downside risk is my number 1 responsibility as a trader!”

    Denis B., 37 years old, from the Australia.

    Denis has successfully passed our Extra Trading Capital program, and he is now TTP’s funded trader managing a $160K account, or as we call it, he is a true “Stock Star”.

    Every time he reaches 5 consecutive winning days, we will boost his buying power and max exposure.

    We spoke with Denis about his trading plan, insights, and lessons gained while trading in the markets and our platform as a funded trader.

    Denis’s evaluation statistics


    Q&A’s With Denis

    Tell us a little bit about yourself

    My name is Denis. I love to travel, and the beach

    How long have you been trading?

    I’ve been trading for 10 years

    Briefly describe your trading plan and how it contributes to your success

    I trade high rvol stocks and stocks in play. I like changing fundamentals news as well as High Beta Technical setups from major support levels when the market is in play.

    Share with us a challenge you faced in your trading career and how you overcame it

    I lost 80% of my account shorting TSLA around COVID, one of the most painful couple of weeks of my life. After missing most of the down move, I grinded for 2 years and did really well during the stock market recovery having my best couple of years ever.

    How did you adjust risk management to your trading personality?

    After getting in trouble swing trading, I’ve finally realized I need a risk manager to help me on my bad days. I also now understand that if I haven’t defined my total risk I have no edge. Focusing on my downside risk is my number 1 responsibility as a trader!

    Describe a key moment in your trading career

    When I had my best month ever trading the Lithium boom. Things started to click for me, and I was able to go on an adventure trading and travelling the world.

    How long did it take for you to become a consistent trader, and what aspects did you change for that?

    It took 4 years. Trading less and risking more on the very best setups and avoiding sub par setups helped me become consistent.

    What is your mental/psychological strength, and how did you develop it

    Resilience. I love trading and think I have great intuition. Watching markets daily, helps develop belief in intuition, because the same things happen over and over again.

    What was your strategy for successfully passing the evaluation phase?

    Keeping losses tight and letting winners run. The market selloff provided good bounce opportunities off major technical levels. Also the small cap sector was hot with big movers.

    How is trading for Funded Trades Now For You different from trading by yourself?

    I’ve never traded with a risk manager before. By enforcing trading and risk limits Funded Trades Now For You helps me control my risk and trade the “right” way.

    What would you recommend to someone who is just starting with us?

    Focus on building your trading strategy and playbook. Once you understand how the market works, there will be plenty of opportunities. To survive over the long term, you need to focus on risk management.

    Share online resources that were/are significant in your trading development. Names and links are appreciated.

    Mike Bellafiore – The Playbook

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