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Interview With Josh V. – “Getting Funded Through FTNFU is a No-Brainer”

“Stay in your lane, put in the work, don’t worry, don’t hurry, trust your [...]

August 31, 2023

buying power

Interview With Eli G. – FTNFU Fastest Funded Trader

“Trading can be a little lonely, so TTP’s community is important.” Eli G., 31 [...]

August 10, 2023

FTNFU fastest funded trader

Funded Trades Now For You Gave Me More Than 100x Trading Capital

“Don’t try to make a profit target in one day but try to divide it into 30 days.” [...]

August 07, 2023

profit target

Managing a $160K Funded Account With Only $475

“Don’t focus on the money; focus on the good trade.” Vince O, 33 years old, [...]

July 19, 2023

Stocks Trading Career

No Matter What Happens, Don’t Give Up – Funded Trades Now For You Funded Trader

Trade with TTP, as they do the risk management for you, Thats Ivan’s advice Ivan O, 37 [...]

May 25, 2023

Ivan - Funded Trades  Now For You funded trader

Arbnor’s way – Short Selling Small-Cap Stocks

Arbnor’s advice: Scale in and scale out to help you control the risk Arbnor T, From the [...]

May 16, 2023

$10,000 Profit Trading with Funded Trades Now For You – Interview with $160K PM Michael

Michael’s advice: Stop buying in 1 chunk and scale in using FTNFU risk management Michael [...]

May 04, 2023

ttp trader short selling penny stocks

Stock Trader Domingo Turned $300 Into A $80,000 Funded Account

“Low your position size on trades where you are not extremely confident in” That’s [...]

April 27, 2023

$80,000 fully-funded trading account

Because of FTNFU Risk Management I’m Now A $160K Funded Trader

“Low your position size on trades where you are not extremely confident in,” That’s [...]

March 28, 2023

logic of trading at ttp

Olga is Managing a $160,000 Trading Halt Strategy

“Protect the capital. Use small wins to build your cushion” That’s Olga’s Advice. Let’s [...]

February 14, 2023

FTNFU trader - Olga talks about trading halt strategy
Merry Xmass. Happy New 2024 Year