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Interview With Josh V. – “Getting Funded Through FTNFU is a No-Brainer”

“Stay in your lane, put in the work, don’t worry, don’t hurry, trust your [...]

August 31, 2023

buying power

The seven ICT concepts you oughta learn to trade with the big league

Introduction Do you ever have the feeling of being the constant target of “smart money stop [...]

August 28, 2023

The FED Beige Book

The FED keeps itself informed! Do you? The FED Beige Book serves as a valuable resource for [...]

August 21, 2023

The Beige Book

Introduction to the Stock Market – Trading & Investing

Introduction Every day more and more people around the world choose to educate themselves on [...]

August 14, 2023

introduction to the stock market

Interview With Eli G. – FTNFU Fastest Funded Trader

“Trading can be a little lonely, so TTP’s community is important.” Eli G., 31 [...]

August 10, 2023

FTNFU fastest funded trader

Is it the Highest Interest Rate In 22 Years?

Introduction In the United States, interest rates are predominantly determined by the Federal [...]

August 08, 2023

Highest interest rates

Funded Trades Now For You Gave Me More Than 100x Trading Capital

“Don’t try to make a profit target in one day but try to divide it into 30 days.” [...]

August 07, 2023

profit target

How to Choose the Best Broker for your Day Trading?

Wondering How to Choose the Best Day Trading Broker? Well, wonder no more. When it comes to [...]

July 31, 2023

The Eleven Sectors of the Stock Market

Know YOUR MARKET, Win YOUR TRADES As you all know well, the stock market can present traders [...]

July 24, 2023

11 sectors of the stock market

Managing a $160K Funded Account With Only $475

“Don’t focus on the money; focus on the good trade.” Vince O, 33 years old, [...]

July 19, 2023

Stocks Trading Career
Merry Xmass. Happy New 2024 Year