Stock Trading Fundamentals Blog https://.com/category/fundamental/ Funded Trades Now For You - Stock Trading Prop Firm Wed, 06 Dec 2023 07:12:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/cropped-Artboard-2-copy-32x32.png Stock Trading Fundamentals Blog https://.com/category/fundamental/ 32 32 Initial Jobless Claims – How it Affects the Stock Market https://.com/initial-jobless-claims/ https://.com/initial-jobless-claims/#respond Mon, 27 Nov 2023 12:10:45 +0000 https://.com/?p=6233 Introduction In past articles, we have discussed some of the most important economic indicators that traders, investors, and other stakeholders are known to pay great attention to; the “Initial Jobless Claims” is undoubtedly one of them. The report reveals the number of people who have recently become unemployed and are applying for unemployment benefits. By […]

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In past articles, we have discussed some of the most important economic indicators that traders, investors, and other stakeholders are known to pay great attention to; the “Initial Jobless Claims” is undoubtedly one of them.

The report reveals the number of people who have recently become unemployed and are applying for unemployment benefits. By analyzing the records and figures the Initial Jobless Claims provides, market participants and policymakers can gain valuable insight into both the health of the labor market and the state of the overall economy.

In this article, we’ll explain what the Initial Jobless Claims report is and why it is considered so important.

What Are Initial Jobless Claims?

As we just explained above, Initial Jobless Claims refer to the number of people who filed a claim for unemployment benefits with their state’s unemployment office for the first time after losing their job. These claims are a key component of the weekly Economic Indicators Report which, in the US, is published by the Department of Labor.

Considering the fact that the employment levels are usually sensible to economic expansions and retractions, it becomes easy to see how the Initial Jobless Claims report is seen and used as a barometer not only for the state of the labor market but also for the overall national economic condition.

Analysts and policymakers rely on this data to make informed decisions regarding economic policies, social safety nets, and business strategies. By closely monitoring initial jobless claims, all interested parties can gain insights into the impacts of economic events, such as recessions and unexpected crises such as the recent global pandemics, and can devise appropriate measures to mitigate their effects.

Why the Initial Jobless Claims are so important for traders and investors?

The importance of the IJC to traders and investors derives from the fact that it can be viewed not only as an indicator of the current economic situation but also as an insight into what is likely to happen next.

Let’s take a minute to analyze this better.

The most direct and immediate use of the Initial Jobless Claims report is as an indicator of economic health.

High numbers of initial jobless claims are often associated with a weakening labor market and can indicate an economic downturn, a slowing down, or, in extreme cases, a recession. Whilst, on the other hand, a decline in claims can signal improving employment prospects and overall economic growth.

Initial jobless claims can act and it can be seen as an early warning system for related economic issues.

Clearly, an increase in jobless claims is seldom a good sign; it may foreshadow an imminent contraction in consumer spending followed by poorer market conditions and reduced economic growth.

The Initial Jobless Claims report is also considered of great importance for the impact that it can have on consumer confidence which, in turn, can have a major effect on the economy. After all, it is only natural that unemployment creates uncertainty and that can turn into financial stress for individuals and their families. This again can (and often does)  lead to a decrease in consumer spending, which, of course, is a significant driving force for economic growth. It is because of this that, Initial Jobless Claims have a direct influence on consumer confidence, overall economic stability, and, ironically, on future unemployment level and jobless claims too.

What effect does the New Jobless Claims report have on the stock market?

When interpreting initial jobless claims, it is important to put the figures into context within the bigger picture. You must look beyond a single week’s data, as these can be influenced by various factors (i.e. seasonal fluctuations, reforms, weather conditions,  etc.) or administrative problems. You should focus instead on indicators such as the four-week moving average (the average of initial claims over the previous four weeks) to get a better understanding of the overall status and dynamics of the labor market.

The relationship between the initial jobless claims and the stock market is often complicated because it is based on different factors with different timelines. The effect that one has on the other is not always easy to predict but there are, nonetheless, factors that it is useful to consider; here are a few.

The first thing that feels the impact of the Initial Jobless Claims report is market sentiment. Higher-than-expected jobless claims may lead to a decline in investor confidence, potentially causing stock prices to fall and, naturally, the opposite is true too.

As we just discussed, Initial Jobless Claims can provide insight into the health of the labor market and the overall economy. If jobless claims increase significantly, for example, it may be seen as revealing economic weakness or as a reason to prepare for “under-expectation” corporate earnings in the near future. Both these scenarios often lead to falling stock prices.

U.S. initial jobless claims

In past articles, we explained that the main functions of the Federal Banks are to safeguard the value of the US Dollar and the level of employment in the Country. It is only natural then that: high jobless claims may persuade the FED to adopt expansionary monetary policies, such as lowering interest rates or implementing asset purchase programs.

Usually, when the FED decides to act this way, traders can expect a positive response from the market, as a lower interest rate may make stocks more attractive than other assets.

It is important to also consider the impact New Jobless Sales can have on specific industries.
As discussed, changes in jobless claims numbers can directly influence market and consumer confidence; sectors heavily reliant on consumer spending, such as retail and travel, hospitality, and entertainment are more easily influenced and their stock prices may show greater volatility in response to jobless claims data.

For day traders in particular, it’s important to consider that the stock market’s reaction to jobless claims is very reliant on expectations and, in particular, to the way the newly released numbers compare to forecasts. If the actual jobless claims figure is better or worse than expected, it may affect market sentiment and stock prices in either a positive or negative way.

Note that…

It’s important to note that the stock market is influenced by a wide range of factors, including economic indicators, geopolitical events, company-specific news, and investor sentiment. Therefore, while initial jobless claims can be a factor, they are just one among many that constantly influence the stock market’s movement.

`Adding this knowledge to your technical analysis can give you a competitive edge and help you to improve your trading strategy.

Thanks for following us and, as always, I hope this helps.

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The US New Home Sales Report – What is it All About? https://.com/home-sales-report/ https://.com/home-sales-report/#respond Mon, 02 Oct 2023 11:00:09 +0000 https://.com/?p=5946 Introduction The Home Sale Report is one of those indicators that, if understood correctly, can offer you as a trader a major advantage for it gives a valuable insight into the current state of the entire economic and financial situation as well as helping to predict imminent changes. In particular, The US New Home Sales […]

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The Home Sale Report is one of those indicators that, if understood correctly, can offer you as a trader a major advantage for it gives a valuable insight into the current state of the entire economic and financial situation as well as helping to predict imminent changes. In particular, The US New Home Sales Report is also closely monitored and seen as a vital economic indicator by traders, market participants, analysts, and many other stakeholders, nationally and all over the globe.

In this article, we’ll try to explain why the Home Sales Report is so important and how it affects different types of stakeholders.

What is the Home Sale Report?

In the US, the New Home Sales Report is published by the Census Bureau and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) every month.
It has been created to track the number of newly constructed homes sold during a specific period. The data is based on surveys conducted among homebuilders across the Nation, each providing information regarding sales, prices, and inventory levels.

Why is it so important?

The huge importance of the New Home Sales Report derives from many factors but the following few are undoubtedly the most important ones:

It is considered an indicator of the overall economic health of the nation.

The New Home Sales report helps measure the overall health of the housing sector, which is critical to the overall economy. Because the acquisition of a new home involves many sectors such as building, real estate, and finance, it acts as an indicator of economic activity.
It reflects market sentiment.
The report provides an extremely valuable insight into consumer demand for newly constructed housing. It reflects potential homebuyers’ sentiment, their confidence in the economy, and their ability to secure an appropriate mortgage agreement and finance.

Home sales report - new residential sales

It highlights current Housing Market Trends.

The New Home Sales Report helps identify housing market trends by tracking changes in the number of new house sales. It displays patterns of demand, supply, and pricing, which can help in understanding market dynamics and projecting future changes.

It influences Policy and Planning.

Government entities, including the Federal Reserve and policymakers, rely on the US New Home Sales report to assess the effectiveness of policies aimed at promoting economic growth. It helps them formulate strategies related to interest rates, housing regulations, and infrastructure development.

What stakeholders does the New Home Sales Report affect the most and how?

Other than being a great indicator of the overall economic health of the nation, the New Home Sales Report has a direct – and very practical – impact on a variety of stakeholders across different sectors and industries.
Let’s take a quick look at the most obvious and immediate ones:

Construction / Homes builders.

The report is most significant for homebuilders as it helps them assess market conditions and make informed decisions regarding inventory levels, new projects, and pricing strategies. The New Home Report data can aid them in monitoring demand patterns and adjusting their expectations and new construction schedules. The report makes them better equipped to create future forecasts, choose valuable areas, and monitor buyers’ sentiment.

Property Retail / Real Estate Agents.

Real estate professionals also closely monitor the New Home Sales report to identify new trends and trend changes and, as a consequence, adjust their marketing strategies accordingly. To Real Estate Agents, the New Home Sales Report provides more insights into buyer preferences and market opportunities than any survey they could run on their own.

Investors / Traders.

Investors as well as traders, particularly those involved and focused in the construction and real estate sectors, pay “super-close” attention to the report. It helps them assess the profitability and growth prospects of companies in these industries, thus influencing investment decisions.
They might use the report to predict changes in revenue for companies involved in raw material extraction, building material manufacturing, logistics, plants and machinery, construction, marketing, and, obviously, sales.

Homebuyers / Homesellers.

Although most don’t actually actively monitor it (unless really keen and dedicated), the New Home Sales Report; ‘s findings have a huge impact on both homebuyers and homesellers. Real estate market dynamics, as reflected in the report, can influence pricing strategies, lending conditions, housing affordability, and credit availability. Needless to say, these are all integral aspects of the Housing Market and any change in one of these can literally transform the market’s conditions.

3 tips to trade the New Home Sales Report

  1. Monitor market expectations and sentiment.

    Before the report is released, pay attention to market expectations and sentiment. Analysts and economists often provide their predictions and forecasts too. Compare these expectations to historical trends and market sentiment so that you can estimate the potential impact and changes on the market.
    Also, look out for any deviations from expectations that could create trading opportunities.

  2. Analyze the data and trends.

    Once the New Home Sales report is released, take a careful look at the data that’s been provided. Look for trends and patterns in new home sales, sales prices, and inventory levels. Compare the current report to past reports to spot any noteworthy changes that may have an influence on the housing market and related assets.

  3. Examine the larger economic context.

    When trading the New Home Sales report, it is extremely important to examine the broader economic situation. There are other major economic indicators to monitor such as employment level, interest rates, and consumer sentiment. These factors (and many others) can have an impact on the property market and provide useful information for your trading and stock selection.

Do not forget to pay special attention to the New Home Sales Report if you want to trade in the construction and Real Estate sectors. But, also, don’t forget to monitor it every month because, as we just said, it offers a sneaky insight into the overall economy of the Nation.

Read and learn more about the fundamentals on our blog.

As always, I hope this helps.
It’s a great day to trade, go get your pips, traders!

The post The US New Home Sales Report – What is it All About? appeared first on Funded Trades Now For You - Stock Trading Prop Firm.

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Crude Oil Inventory. Only for crude traders? https://.com/crude-oil-inventory/ https://.com/crude-oil-inventory/#respond Mon, 11 Sep 2023 12:04:27 +0000 https://.com/?p=4778 What it is and why it is relevant to you whatever you trade As most of us realize, crude oil has been a high-value commodity worldwide for around two hundred years now. It fuels transportation, powers businesses, and is a necessary element for the production of many everyday items and materials such as plastic. The […]

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What it is and why it is relevant to you whatever you trade

As most of us realize, crude oil has been a high-value commodity worldwide for around two hundred years now. It fuels transportation, powers businesses, and is a necessary element for the production of many everyday items and materials such as plastic.
The stockpile of unrefined petroleum kept by countries, companies, and other large entities is referred to as a “Crude Oil Inventory”.
Crude inventory Reports show a record of inventory levels and they are critical to maintaining a smooth supply and demand balance for crude oil.
The Crude Oil Inventory is an extremely valuable indicator of the energy market’s supply and demand dynamics and has an impact not only on domestic oil prices but also on the worldwide oil market.

In this post, we will look at the importance of the Crude Oil Inventory in a little more detail and we’ll discuss its importance from a trader’s perspective.

What is the Crude Oil Inventory

Well, as we just said, the Crude Oil Inventory represents the entire amount of unrefined petroleum in Countries’, Companies’, and large entities’ hands. What we didn’t say though, is that this also includes all the petroleum stored in tanks, circulating in the pipeline, and transiting on board offshore ships.

The data, in the US, is collected and published weekly by the EIA (Energy Information Administration) and it is of course measured in barrels.

Why is the Crude Oil Inventory important from a trader’s perspective?

Having the figures regularly monitored and readily available to the public helps to calculate whether there is a deficit or a surplus and by what value.

Traders and investors are known for keeping a careful eye on crude oil stock levels in order to assess economic stability, forecast market patterns, and predict future price movements.

The crude oil industry is a crucial driver of the global economy, impacting various sectors ranging from transportation and manufacturing to energy production. This means that the report is relevant to you as a trader, whether you trade crude oil or not. Any fluctuations in crude oil prices can have (and often have) a significant impact on all stock markets around the world.

Forex Traders closely monitor the crude oil inventory in order to navigate this volatile market, since it is essential to comprehend the supply and demand dynamics.

What are the factors that make the Crude Oil Supply relevant to Forex Traders?

Supply and Demand Dynamics

As we said earlier, the data on crude oil inventories offers important insights into the market’s dynamics of supply and demand; by keeping a firm eye on it, traders can more accurately evaluate the supply and demand balance.
A rise in inventory levels could indicate oversupply, which could result in a decline in oil prices. On the other hand, a drop in inventory levels would signify a rise in demand, which might result in higher oil prices. This information alone is already very useful to energy-sector traders to make better-informed trading decisions.

crude oil prices

Price Volatility

Crude oil prices are known for their volatility, which obviously can offer excellent opportunities for traders. The crude oil inventory data helps traders  create an expectation and bias on potential crude oil price movements. If inventory levels are predicted to drop, for example, it may indicate a tightening of the supply, which could put upward pressure on pricing.
On the other hand, a rise in inventory levels can signify a surplus with the potential of pushing prices down.
By monitoring these price swings, Forex Traders can profit by making timely trades.

Energy Sector Stocks

Crude oil prices have a major impact on the Energy Sector’s performance and heavily influence its stock prices.
Companies involved in the exploration, production, refining, and distribution of oil often experience significant impacts on their bottom line due to oil price fluctuations, but, by correlating crude oil inventory data with stock performance, traders can identify trends and potential opportunities within the energy sector too.

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Macroeconomic Factors

Crude oil inventory data is useful not only for energy-related stocks but also for gaining insight into larger macroeconomic patterns. Because crude oil is a crucial component in many industries, changes in inventory levels can have an impact on economic growth. Lower inventory levels may imply increased economic activity and industrial production, whilst higher inventories may signify a downturn. To acquire a better knowledge of the economic landscape, Forex Traders might use this data as part of their trading strategy.

Intermarket Analysis

Modern forex trading tactics sometimes include inter-market analysis, in which traders examine relationships and patterns between various asset classes across sectors.
Inventory data for crude oil can be a great indicator when trading other financial instruments such as currencies, commodities, and stock indices. For example, an increase in the inventory could signal an oversupplied market, perhaps leading to a stronger US dollar and, usually, to a stock market price decrease.


The crude oil inventory is a crucial component in the arsenal of tools that Forex Traders use to make informed investment decisions. By closely monitoring supply and demand dynamics, price volatility, energy sector stocks, macroeconomic factors, and intermarket analysis, traders can gain valuable insights into the crude oil market and identify potential opportunities for profit.

Understanding and interpreting the inventory data is essential for traders seeking to profit from the volatility of crude oil prices, the energy sector, or the stock market in general.

So the lesson for the day here is: don’t forget to monitor the Crude Oil Inventory even if you don’t intend to trade crude!

As always, hope this helps.
Keep your game up, traders!

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The FED Beige Book https://.com/the-fed-beige-book/ https://.com/the-fed-beige-book/#respond Mon, 21 Aug 2023 11:56:25 +0000 https://.com/?p=4654 The FED keeps itself informed! Do you? The FED Beige Book serves as a valuable resource for understanding the economic conditions and trends across the United States. Published eight times a year by the Federal Reserve, it contains essential information collected from business contacts, economists, and other sources. With this article, we’ll try to explain […]

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The FED keeps itself informed! Do you?

The FED Beige Book serves as a valuable resource for understanding the economic conditions and trends across the United States. Published eight times a year by the Federal Reserve, it contains essential information collected from business contacts, economists, and other sources. With this article, we’ll try to explain the significance of the Beige Book, its purpose, and the important role it plays in providing vital information to policymakers, businesses, and financial market participants.

What is the FED Beige Book and what is its purpose?

Created in the seventies as the “Red Book, it was first published to provide the Federal Reserve with valuable economic information at a regional level which helps it gain a better and fuller picture of the current economic condition as a whole.
With the passing of the years, both the color of the cover and the name of the “book” have changed but its main function remained – and remains today – the same. The Beige Book is composed of a collection of anecdotal information that will then go to complement all the other data gathered by the various Federal Reserve research departments.

The primary purpose of the Beige Book is to:

  1. Gather information on the current state of the economy
  2. Assess changes in economic activity
  3. Identify emerging trends
  4. Inform monetary policy decisions

In order to collect this information and elaborate on it, the FED contacts a wide range of businesses, including local retailers, manufacturers, builders, farmers, and bankers, to obtain qualitative data on their observations and individual experiences.

Why is the Beige Book important?

It helps the FED make informed decisions

The Beige Book provides a comprehensive analysis of the economic conditions on a regional and national scale. Naturally, it covers various sectors, such as manufacturing, housing, consumer spending, agriculture, and labor markets.
Collecting qualitative data, helps the Beige Book fill the gaps left by traditional economic indicators and helps provide a more complete picture.
The qualitative information contained in the Beige Book is, in a way, the representation of the economic condition in everyday life.

The Federal Reserve uses the Beige Book as part of its decision-making process regarding monetary policy. Combining this qualitative information with quantitative indicators, it helps policymakers understand how economic conditions are evolving between each of the official data releases.
It is based on this understanding that the FED can make well-informed decisions on everything from interest rates to monetary stimulus, and tightening measures to ensure stability, growth, and control inflation.

To learn more about the FED and the role it plays in the US economy, read abou it on our blog.

federal reserve districts - beige book

It highlights economic variation all the way down to a regional level

The United States is a large and diverse country and regional economic variations are therefore inevitable.
Thanks to the Beige Book, policymakers can monitor how different regions perform, identify potential disparities, and take all this knowledge on board when making decisions.
In addition, the information from the Beige Book helps the Fed and the markets understand both the relationship that exists between regional economies and the impact each region has on the national economy.

Timing is key

The timing with which the Beige Book is normally published is also another crucial aspect of its importance.
It is released two weeks before each FOMC (Federal Open Market Committee) meeting, ensuring that the latest information is available to policymakers.

Also, the timely release makes it accessible to private-sector economists, media outlets, market participants, and the general public, which is thought of as promoting transparency and, possibly, informed discussions.

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It’s a great insight for Businesses, Investors, and traders

Apart from guiding monetary policy, the Beige Book also offers valuable insights for businesses, investors, and traders.
By understanding the economic conditions and trends depicted in the book, businesses can make more informed decisions whilst Investors can assess risks and opportunities at a regional level and align their strategies accordingly.
Traders, on the other hand, could find extremely insightful clues for early indications of change of condition and profit from stock price volatility that would be likely to follow. For traders, the Beige Book serves as an early warning system, highlighting potential changes in economic conditions before they are fully evident in officially released data.
The fact that the economic condition is scaled down to the regional level is often of even greater benefit to those traders who tend to specialize in specific sectors but, overall, the Beige Book is an essential tool for all stock market traders and investors as it provides valuable information and insights on the current economic environment, future trends, market sentiment, and potential impacts on monetary policy.

Learning to properly interpret and understand the Beige Book would certainly help traders make more informed investment decisions and navigate the complexities of the stock market more effectively.

So… in conclusion…

The Beige Book is an important and essential tool that provides an in-depth, qualitative analysis of the US economic conditions and trends.
It plays a vital role in informing policymakers, businesses, and market participants about the state of the economy, and assisting in making well-informed decisions.


Once you are able to interpret it and understand it properly, remember that each publication of the Beige Book has the potential to move prices in the market, reverse trends, and, most importantly, offer profits to be made.

As usual, I hope this helped.

Go get your pips, now!

The post The FED Beige Book appeared first on Funded Trades Now For You - Stock Trading Prop Firm.

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Introduction to the Stock Market – Trading & Investing https://.com/introduction-to-the-stock-market/ https://.com/introduction-to-the-stock-market/#respond Mon, 14 Aug 2023 12:19:24 +0000 https://.com/?p=4626 Introduction Every day more and more people around the world choose to educate themselves on the ins and outs of trading and investing in the stock market with the hope of achieving the financial independence we all aspire to. But what is the stock market exactly? What is the difference between trading and investing? And […]

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Every day more and more people around the world choose to educate themselves on the ins and outs of trading and investing in the stock market with the hope of achieving the financial independence we all aspire to. But what is the stock market exactly? What is the difference between trading and investing? And what should I do if I want to become a trader?

Well – you guessed it – this article will try and give an answer to precisely those questions! Let’s start with this Introduction to the Stock Market.

What is the Stock market exactly?

The stock market is the marketplace where individuals and institutions alike can buy and sell ownership shares of publicly traded companies. It is a vital component of the global economy and, within it, serves multiple purposes, for example, it facilitates capital raising for companies and provides investors with opportunities to profit from their success.

The way it works is quite simple to understand:
Companies issue stocks to raise capital which allows them to finance their day-to-day operations and fund growth initiatives. By buying a share of a company’s stock, investors become partial owners and, therefore, have the potential to benefit from the company’s future success.

Think about it;  when you buy a share of a Company, you become somewhat of a co-owner of that company!
(Although that won’t necessarily mean you’ll find yourself sitting in an office with Elon Musk or Tim Cook).

The stock market provides investors with a platform to trade these stocks. It operates through various exchanges, such as the New York Stock Exchange or NASDAQ, where buyers and sellers come together to execute transactions. The stock market creates liquidity, allowing investors to easily buy or sell shares on a daily basis.

As for most things, stock prices fluctuate based on supply and demand. If more people want to buy a particular stock, its price typically rises. On the other hand, if more people were to sell stock rather than buy it then its price would tend to decline.

As you might already know, these price changes are influenced by numerous factors, including company performance, economic indicators, news events, and investor sentiment.

Trading and investing

Market investors that profit from stock volatility and price movement are commonly divided into two groups: long-term investors and traders. Let’s continue our introduction to the stock market to learn the difference in depth:

Long-term Investors

Long-term investors aim to profit from their investments through capital appreciation and dividends.

Capital appreciation occurs when the price of a stock increases over time, allowing investors to sell their shares at a higher price than what they paid to buy them.

Dividends are a portion of a company’s profits that are distributed to shareholders on a regular basis (although not all companies pay dividends).


Traders, on the other hand, employ a strategy of frequent buying and selling of stocks or other assets to capture short-term price movements either when prices rise or fall.

Trading the stock market is probably the most attractive form of investment in the stock market because it requires a smaller capital and it can provide impressive earnings in a much shorter time.

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How do traders and investors know what to buy and what not to buy? Or even sell, for that matter!

Traders and investors make most of their investment decisions based on the results of two commonly used methods: fundamental analysis and technical analysis.
Although traders and long-term investors use both fundamental and technical analysis, they often do so in different measures. Generally, long-term investors would find fundamental analysis more useful to predict the long-term potential of a company, whilst short-term traders would find technical analysis as a more accurate indication of the likelihood of any price movement and of its direction.

Want to know what fundamental analysis and technical analysis are? Well, let me tell you.

Fundamental Analysis

Fundamental analysis is one of the methods used to evaluate the intrinsic value of a stock or an entire company. It involves analyzing financial and non-financial factors to determine the underlying value and potential of an investment.

These are some of the key components of fundamental analysis:

  1. Financial Statements: These include the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement. These documents provide insights into the company’s profitability, debt levels, and cash flow generation.
  2. Earnings and Revenue: Analysts review a company’s historical and projected earnings and revenue growth. This helps identify trends, potential risks, and the overall financial health of the business.
  3. Valuation Ratios: Various ratios, such as price-to-earnings (P/E), price-to-sales (P/S), and price-to-book value (P/B), are used to compare a company’s stock price to its financial performance. These ratios provide insights into whether the stock is overvalued or undervalued relative to its peers or historical values.
  4. Industry and Market Analysis: Fundamental analysts also consider the industry and market in which a company operates. Understanding industry trends, competitive landscape, and macroeconomic factors helps assess the company’s growth potential and market position.

Technical Analysis

The term “technical analysis” refers to the method of trying to predict future price movements in the stock market based on historical data, such as past prices, trading volumes, and chart patterns. Traders and investors do so based on the belief that patterns and trends in the past can provide useful insights into the future direction of stock prices.

Some examples of tools used in technical analysis are:

  1. Price trends: Technical analysts study price charts to identify patterns and trends. Common chart patterns include support and resistance levels, trendlines, and chart formations like triangles, and head and shoulders.
  2. Indicators: Technical analysts use various indicators to measure price momentum, volatility, and other key factors. Some examples are moving averages, Relative Strength Index (RSI), Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD), and Bollinger Bands.
  3. Support and resistance: These are levels at which stock prices tend to stop falling (support) or rising (resistance). Technical analysts use these levels to identify potential buying or selling opportunities.
  4. Candlestick patterns: Candlestick charts display price movements with colored bars or candles of different types. Analysts look for specific candlestick patterns that indicate potential trend reversals or continuation.

Learn more about technical analysis and  find out how to use some of the technical indicators on our blog!

Introduction to the Stock Market – Final Words

To become a trader in the stock market there is much to be learned and much more to be gained. The first step is to decide to pay the trade the respect, dedication, and commitment that it demands…

…the second step is to join and get some serious capital to start earning from the stock market!

Hope this helps,

Now go get your pips!

The post Introduction to the Stock Market – Trading & Investing appeared first on Funded Trades Now For You - Stock Trading Prop Firm.

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Is it the Highest Interest Rate In 22 Years? https://.com/highest-interest-rate/ https://.com/highest-interest-rate/#respond Tue, 08 Aug 2023 12:28:02 +0000 https://.com/?p=4581 Introduction In the United States, interest rates are predominantly determined by the Federal Reserve. The FED uses monetary policy tools to maximize employment and stabilize the Dollar mainly by controlling the interest rate (to learn more about the Fed, take a look at FOMC). On Wednesday 26th of July this year, in its effort to […]

The post Is it the Highest Interest Rate In 22 Years? appeared first on Funded Trades Now For You - Stock Trading Prop Firm.


In the United States, interest rates are predominantly determined by the Federal Reserve.
The FED uses monetary policy tools to maximize employment and stabilize the Dollar mainly by controlling the interest rate (to learn more about the Fed, take a look at FOMC).

On Wednesday 26th of July this year, in its effort to bring inflation down to the  2% target, the Fed raised the rate by another quarter of a percentage point to reach 5.5%, the highest interest rate in the US in 22 years.
It was the 11th rate hike since March 2022 and it follows a brief pause during the previous month to monitor the situation and evaluate the effects of the increases so far on inflation and on the economy.

interest rate hike 202202023

Despite the seemingly falling inflation level, Jerome Powell, the FOMC president, justified this decision by explaining that, because employment remained very high and the economy very strong, there is still room for inflation to rise and spiral out of control. In other words, “stopping now could still be too risky”.

But what if the Fed were to misjudge the economy’s resilience and set the interest rate too high? What would happen then?
Let’s try and figure that out.

What risks would the economy face if the Fed was to raise interest rates too high?

As it is easy to imagine, if the FED were to raise interest rates excessively high, intentionally or unintentionally, it could have several profound effects on the US economy.
The first to come to mind, for example, are the following:

Impact on Borrowing and Investment

The very first thing that excessively high interest rates would directly impact is, of course, borrowing costs.
Having to pay high interest on their debts would immediately discourage individuals and businesses from taking out further loans or borrowing capital to finance new projects.
Higher borrowing costs would also reduce consumer spending and business investments, two of the most vital drivers of the Nation’s economic growth.
All in all, reduced investments would mean reduced expenditure and limited growth in productivity which, in turn, would lead to job losses.

Contraction in Overall Economic Activity

An increase in interest rates might lead to a contraction in overall economic activity (recession).
As we said, higher borrowing costs would reduce consumer spending (which accounts for a significant portion of the US economy) and a decline in consumer spending would affect various sectors with retail, hospitality, and leisure industries amongst the first in line.
Ultimately, businesses across these sectors (and not only) would experience much lower demand causing layoffs and, ultimately, business closures.

Effects on the Real Estate Market

The real estate sector is amongst the most sensitive to interest rate changes.
Higher interest rates would immediately increase mortgage rates and decrease affordability, negatively affecting potential homebuyers as well as homeowners with an existing mortgage. This would lead to a decline in demand for housing, and cause a slowdown in the construction industry.
Existing homeowners with adjustable-rate mortgages would be negatively affected too for they would face higher monthly payments, potentially leading to an increase in delinquencies and foreclosures.

Stock Market Volatility

As a trader, you’ll be particularly interested to know that Interest rates significantly impact stock market behavior.
When rates rise too high, investors tend to shift their investments from stocks to fixed-income securities. Dividend-paying stocks become relatively less attractive when bond yields increase whilst offering virtually no risks.
As investors reallocate their assets and switch from stock to bonds, the stock market may experience substantial volatility and a potential decline in equity prices (although this would not necessarily be a bad thing for short-sell traders looking for volatility and opportunities).

Exchange Rates and International Trade

Higher interest rates usually tend to attract foreign capital as investors seek higher returns for their investments. This capital inflow strengthens the Dollar and that can have unintended consequences for international trade. After all, a stronger dollar makes US exports more expensive for other Countries and often makes imported goods cheaper than the ones domestically produced. It’s easy to see how this can quickly lead to an extreme trade deficit with enormous damage to the domestic industries (especially those exporting their products and services abroad). Once again, this also would have detrimental effects on unemployment levels.

Impact on Government Debt

Interest rates too high would also significantly impact the US government’s ability to finance its debt. Higher borrowing costs would increase the interest payments on outstanding government debt and make further debt more expensive, potentially straining the federal budget. This situation would result in reduced government spending in other areas or additional borrowing, eventually leading to higher deficits and an even bigger “debt problem”.

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So… with all that said, what is the threshold? What is the highest interest rate the American economy could cope with before a recession would be unavoidable?

To pinpoint an exact interest rate threshold that would guarantee a recession would be, at the very least, challenging.

Factors such as the health of the economy, existing debt levels, and government intervention make it difficult to provide a definitive answer. However, historical data can provide clues and help us to understand the relationship between interest rates and the potential resulting economic performance.

Data tells us that throughout history, interest rates rising above 6-8% have often been associated with economic slowdowns or recessions (let’s keep in mind the rate is currently at 5.5% and that it has been sitting at 0% for over a year and only up to just 16 months ago). However, it is also important to remember that each economic cycle is unique, and the US economy has demonstrated its resilience to periods of higher interest rates just like during this current one.

Determining the highest interest rate the US economy could cope with before recession becomes inevitable is a very complex task. The US economy’s ability to withstand higher interest rates depends on various interrelated factors. As interest rates rise, they have the potential to adversely affect consumer spending, business investments, and the housing market.
While historical patterns suggest an interest rate threshold for recession, it is essential to consider the dynamic and ever-changing nature of the economy.

And what about Businesses? Is it possible to predict the highest interest rates each company could cope with before “getting in trouble” and seeing the price of its stock crashing?

Well, I’m guessing that’s the next question that a trader would want to ask.

The short answer is… “That would also be a very complicated task but there are ways”. A common one is to monitor the Debt to Equity Ratio (D/E Ratio) of the underlying companies of the stock you intend to trade.

We will talk about Debt to Equity Ratio in more detail in another article since its relevance increases step by step with the increase of the interest rate.


The Federal Reserve’s recent decision to raise interest rates to 5.5%, the highest in over two decades, reflects their aim to control inflation and ensure economic stability. While inflation is easing, the move seeks to maintain employment and prevent potential economic downturns. However, excessive rate hikes could discourage borrowing and investment, impacting sectors like retail and real estate. Stock markets might become more volatile, and a stronger Dollar could harm international trade. Government debt management could also be challenged. While historical trends suggest a recession threshold around 6-8%, pinpointing an exact limit is complex due to the dynamic economy. Businesses’ vulnerability varies, with the Debt to Equity Ratio a key indicator. Striking the right balance in rate adjustments remains vital to avoid unintended consequences and sustain economic health.

Hope this helped;
Now, go get your pips, traders!

The post Is it the Highest Interest Rate In 22 Years? appeared first on Funded Trades Now For You - Stock Trading Prop Firm.

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How to Choose the Best Broker for your Day Trading? https://.com/day-trading-brokers/ https://.com/day-trading-brokers/#respond Mon, 31 Jul 2023 11:57:39 +0000 https://.com/?p=4555 Wondering How to Choose the Best Day Trading Broker? Well, wonder no more. When it comes to brokers, the choice nowadays is all but unlimited. Online retail brokers compete with one another by providing their customers with lower fees and commissions, narrower spreads, better educational material, more trading instruments, and sleeker trading platforms. However -it […]

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Wondering How to Choose the Best Day Trading Broker? Well, wonder no more.

When it comes to brokers, the choice nowadays is all but unlimited. Online retail brokers compete with one another by providing their customers with lower fees and commissions, narrower spreads, better educational material, more trading instruments, and sleeker trading platforms. However -it is fair to say-  not all brokers are created equal and, as a day trader, it is up to you to find the best broker for you and your trading style.

Need help to choose the right broker for day trade?

Choosing the right trading broker is crucial for several reasons, some more obvious than others but… here are some important points you should definitely consider:

  1. Reliability and Trustworthiness

    A reputable broker must ensure the safety and security of your funds and all your personal information. This includes having proper licensing for the Country/Countries they operate in, adhering to regulations, and maintaining transparency in their operations.

  2. Trading Platform

    Brokers provide trading platforms that facilitate your transactions. The right broker will offer a reliable and user-friendly platform with excellent order execution, real-time market data, charting tools, and other features that match your trading needs.

    day trading brokers trading platform

  3. Available Instruments

    You’ll find that different brokers offer various financial instruments for trading, including stocks, bonds, forex, commodities, derivatives, and so much more. Make sure that the broker you choose provides access to the specific markets and instruments you are interested in and intend to trade.

  4. Fees and Commissions

    Brokers charge fees and commissions for their services, such as executing trades and managing your accounts. It is important to compare the fees among different brokers to find the most cost-effective option for your trading style and budget.

  5. Customer Support

    Good customer service is essential when it comes to resolving any issues or answering your questions. Reliable brokers often offer multiple channels of communication and provide timely and helpful support.

  6. Educational Resources

    Whether you are a beginner or an expert trader, educational resources provided by brokers can be valuable. Look for brokers that offer educational materials, tutorials, webinars, and other resources to enhance your trading knowledge and improve your skills.

  7. Research Tools

    Another thing quality brokers often offer is access to comprehensive research tools and analysis, including market research reports, economic data, news updates, and technical analysis tools. These tools can assist you in making informed trading decisions.

  8. Account Types and Minimum Deposits

    Consider whether the broker offers different types of accounts with varying features to suit your trading goals and financial situation. Also, pay attention to minimum deposit requirements, as some brokers have higher minimums than others.

  9. Mobile Trading

    In the era of smartphones, having a mobile trading app is essential for many trading enthusiasts. A reliable broker should offer a mobile trading platform that allows you to monitor your trades and manage your account while on the go.

    day trading brokers mobile app


Day Trading Vs. Swing Trading

According to the type of traders they specialize in serving, brokers take into consideration the three aspects that more than others distinguish day traders from swing traders. The trading time frame, the trading strategy, and the frequency of trades.

Trading Timeframe

Day trading involves entering and exiting positions within the same trading day, aiming to profit from intraday price fluctuations. On the other hand, swing trading involves holding positions for a few days to several weeks, aiming to capture larger price moves.

Trading Strategy

Day traders typically rely on technical analysis, such as short-term chart patterns, volume analysis, and intraday indicators, to make quick trading decisions. Swing traders, though they may also use technical analysis, often incorporate fundamental analysis and market sentiment into their decision-making process.

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Frequency of Trades

Day traders frequently execute multiple trades throughout the day, often within minutes or hours. Conversely, swing traders take fewer trades, allowing them to spend more time on research and analysis.

So to choose the right Broker for day trading, make sure to also keep in mind these other aspects too:

Margin Requirements

Day trading brokers often require lower margins to accommodate frequent trading activity and large position sizes. Swing trading brokers generally have higher margin requirements due to the longer-term positions.

Brokerage Fees and Commissions

Both day trading and swing trading brokers charge fees for executing trades. However, day trading brokers may offer lower commission rates and discounted fee structures for high-volume traders, considering their higher trading frequency.

Risk Management

Due to their rapid pace, day trading comes with higher inherent risk. Day trading brokers often provide tools and features specifically designed for risk management, such as real-time market data, advanced order types (e.g., stop-loss orders), and margin monitoring. Swing trading brokers may emphasize position sizing strategies and risk-reward analysis.

Overall, choosing the right day trading broker ensures you have a positive trading experience with access to the markets, reliable platforms, responsive customer support, and fair trading conditions… but… there is more…
…there is better!

“And what could possibly be better than even the best day trading broker out there?”

I hear you asking.

Well, in just three words, a:
Even better, a GOOD prop-trading firm.

Prop-trading firms have revolutionized retail trading and literally flipped it upside down.

There are many reasons why traders are migrating to prop trading firms. Arguably, the most important would be capital.
The number one obstacle most traders face is the lack of sufficient capital (only equal to the risk of losing it) but, no matter how many great services, tools, instruments, or other benefits a broker can offer, an abundance of money for you to invest is not going to be one of them.

By sharing their capital with each of their traders, prop-trading firms can diversify their investments whilst increasing their traders profit and eliminating their losses.

It sounds great, I know. And that’s not even all of it!

In fact, as if that wasn’t enough, Funded Trades Now For You (currently amongst the leading prop-trading firms for Forex Traders) went that special extra mile and offers its traders even more!
Yes, even more cash to invest. Even more stock to trade. Even more conveneint profit-sharing rates. Even more high quality educational material (including super-insightful interviews), and even more, more, more.

Don’t believe me?
Check it yourself!

To find out more on why a Good Prop Trading Firm is better than a retail broker read this article about Prop Traders vs. Brokers

Find more about all the benefits and the perks of becoming a funded trader at Funded Trades Now For You.

Don’t say we didn’t tell you!

The post How to Choose the Best Broker for your Day Trading? appeared first on Funded Trades Now For You - Stock Trading Prop Firm.

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The Eleven Sectors of the Stock Market https://.com/sectors-of-the-stock-market/ https://.com/sectors-of-the-stock-market/#respond Mon, 24 Jul 2023 12:09:59 +0000 https://.com/?p=4484 Know YOUR MARKET, Win YOUR TRADES As you all know well, the stock market can present traders with an abundance of opportunities derived from high levels of both liquidity and volatility. Traders can gain exposure in the market in any way they prefer. They can do so, for example, by using any of an almost […]

The post The Eleven Sectors of the Stock Market appeared first on Funded Trades Now For You - Stock Trading Prop Firm.


As you all know well, the stock market can present traders with an abundance of opportunities derived from high levels of both liquidity and volatility.
Traders can gain exposure in the market in any way they prefer. They can do so, for example, by using any of an almost infinite number of online exchanges or over-the-counter and they can trade actual shares or CFDs (Contract for Difference).

Another important choice traders and investors are free to make is whether to specialize in one or two sectors of the stock market or diversify their portfolio with the stock of companies across all industries. Traders generally make these sorts of decisions based on their Sector Analysis findings.

What is “Sector Analysis” and why is it important in Stock Trading?

Sector analysis plays a crucial role in forex trading as it enables traders to make informed decisions based on the performance and trends within specific industries. By analyzing the 11 different sectors of the stock market, traders can identify potential opportunities and risks associated with each sector.

All market participants can analyze the sector’s past and current performance to understand which industries are growing/declining and the best-performing stock in each sector and industry, and traders are able to identify potential changes in each sector and the market as a whole.

Sector analysis allows traders to gain insights into how different industries are performing, helping them understand which sectors are thriving and which ones may be struggling. This information can guide traders in selecting stocks that match their investment objectives and risk tolerance.

Most of the traders who use sector analysis believe that certain sectors of the economy perform better at different stages of the business cycle and that identifying these sectors can help them find profitable investments.

Furthermore, sector analysis helps traders diversify their portfolios by investing in various sectors. By spreading their trades across multiple sectors, traders can minimize their exposure to any single industry’s volatility or downturns unless they chose to do otherwise.

An individual can choose to invest in a single company, within an industry, or across multiple sectors to increase exposure and reduce risk.

Whichever way we look at it,  sector analysis provides valuable insights into the stock market, allowing traders to make better-informed decisions based on industry-specific trends and performance, and this can be vital in Stock Trading.


What are the 11 sectors of the stock market?

Created in 1999 (by MSCI and Standard & Poor’s), the “GICS system” is what dictates today how companies’ stocks are divided into groups, sub-groups, and sectors. However, generally speaking, stocks are divided, categorized, and grouped together according to their similarity, the industries they belong to, and the potential/risk of price change relative to each other.

As James Royal puts it: “That division ultimately impacts how many sector-based index funds are created and which companies are included and left out of any given index. The classification system shapes that decision”.

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As of March 2023, the GICS system divides the market into 11 sectors formed by 25 industry groups and 74 industries…

… don’t worry, we are just going to stick to the “eleven sectors” for now.

And – in no particular order – these are:

  • Financial

    Analyze interest rates, economic indicators, and financial regulations to gauge the health of banks, insurance companies, and other financial institutions. Evaluate factors like profitability ratios, loan quality, and capital adequacy.

    xlf the etf of finance

  • Information Technology

    Consider revenue growth, research and development expenditure, competitive advantages, and scalability when evaluating tech stocks. Due to the rapid pace of technological advancements, traders must remain vigilant of shifts in consumer preferences, regulatory environments, and intellectual property protection. Additionally, geopolitical tensions and global trade policies can impact the performance of tech stocks.

    xlk the etf of information technology

  • Energy

    Stay updated on geopolitical events, industry regulations, and global demand trends to identify opportunities in the oil, natural gas, and renewable energy sectors. Consider factors such as production costs and political stability when evaluating investments.

    xle - the etf of evergy

  • Real Estate

    The real estate sector of the stock market is known for its consistency and resilience. Investors looking for stable returns often consider real estate investment trusts (REITs).
    Analyze factors such as location, property types, rental rates, and occupancy rates to evaluate the potential performance of real estate stocks.

    xlre - the etf of real estate

  • Utilities

    Trading utilities stocks can be seen as a defensive strategy due to their relatively stable returns and regular dividend payments.
    Consider factors such as the regulatory environment, infrastructure investments, and the shift toward renewable energy sources to make informed trading decisions.

    xlu - the etf of utilities

  • Health Care

    Constant innovation, regulatory approvals, and significant research and development activities make healthcare stocks an exciting market to explore.
    Stay up to date with medical advances, regulatory changes, and competition within the sector to make well-informed trading decisions.

    xlv - the etf of healthcare

  • Consumer Staples

    Look for stable and defensive stocks that offer essential products or services, even during economic downturns. Monitor factors like brand loyalty, market share, and pricing power.

    xlp - the etf of consumer staples

  • Consumer Discretionary

    Focus on trends and consumer sentiment to identify companies with high growth potential. Look for companies offering innovative products or services that cater to changing consumer preferences.

    xly - the etf of consumer discretionary

  • Communication Services

    Make sure your decisions are well-informed when trading stock in the Communication Services sector. Do it by monitoring the economic cycle, consumer demand, technological innovations, international deals, and the regulatory environment.

    xlc - the etf of communication sector of the stock market

  • Industrial

    The industrial sector comprises companies involved in manufacturing, construction, engineering, transportation, and other related activities.
    Be aware of economic growth, business spending, infrastructure development, and demand for products and services.

    xli - the etf of industrial

  • Materials

    The material sector includes companies engaged in activities related to mining, metals, chemicals, forestry, paper, and packaging.
    Pay particular attention to commodity prices, supply and demand dynamics, global economic conditions, and industry-specific factors.

    xlb - the etf of basic material sector of the stock market


Whether you want to specialize in one or a few sectors or prefer to diversify your exposure throughout numerous sectors with a vast array of stock, do make sure you do your own research and that you – as a trader – familiarize yourself with the sector (or sectors) you operate in.

Read and learn more about the fundamentals on our blog

The post The Eleven Sectors of the Stock Market appeared first on Funded Trades Now For You - Stock Trading Prop Firm.

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Invest in Stocks with Little Money https://.com/invest-in-stocks-with-little-money/ https://.com/invest-in-stocks-with-little-money/#respond Mon, 10 Jul 2023 12:11:17 +0000 https://.com/?p=4255 Introduction So, you’ve decided to to and trade stocks, but you only have little money to invest in this venture? Don’t worry, because in this article, we will guide you on how to invest in stocks for beginners with little money, plus, we’ll let you in on a secret that few traders know, and stock-brokers […]

The post Invest in Stocks with Little Money appeared first on Funded Trades Now For You - Stock Trading Prop Firm.


So, you’ve decided to to and trade stocks, but you only have little money to invest in this venture? Don’t worry, because in this article, we will guide you on how to invest in stocks for beginners with little money, plus, we’ll let you in on a secret that few traders know, and stock-brokers definitely don’t want you to! So stay put.


Understanding the Basics of Stock Investing

First, just to make sure you’re in the loop, we’ll grasp the fundamental principles of forex trading: Stocks represent ownership shares in companies, and trading in them offers the potential for long-term growth and wealth accumulation. Key concepts such as stock prices, market capitalization, dividends, and stock exchanges play a vital role in understanding how stocks function. Get a grip of these basics and you’ll gain a solid foundation towards investment decisions, even with the little money you have.


Setting Financial Goals

When investing in stocks with limited funds, defining your objectives and determining your risk tolerance are key. Establish clear goals, such as quitting your current job, buying a red Tesla or saving up for the Millennium Falcon lego set, and align your investments accordingly. When you know what you want, what you really really want, it makes the path to reach it – clearer.


Determining Your Risk Tolerance

Now this is a crucial point. Before diving into the world of trading, it’s important to evaluate how comfortable you are with potential ups and downs in the market. Consider the possibility of temporary losses and how you would handle them. As a simple guideline, think about the “X3 rule.” Ask yourself if you would still be okay if you experienced three consecutive days of losses. Would you be able to maintain a clear mindset and make logical decisions, or would it throw you into a whirlwind of emotions? Understanding your risk tolerance and emotional resilience can help you make informed investment choices. 


Educating Yourself

Think you can quit school and start trading stocks? Think again my friend, because skipping classes in trading will only make you lose money. Educating yourself is paramount. Learn about stock market terminology, trading options, and research techniques to make informed decisions and maximize the potential of your investments. Don’t be a slacker!


Learning the Stock Market Terminology

Familiarize yourself with terms like “dividends,” “market capitalization,” and “price-to-earnings ratio.” Building a solid foundation of stock market vocabulary will enable you to navigate investment discussions, comprehend financial news, and make informed decisions about your trading.


Understanding Different Investment Options

It’s essential to grasp various investment options. Explore individual stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and index funds to diversify your portfolio. Only after you understand these options can you make informed choices based on your trading goals and risk tolerance.


Researching Companies and Industries

Conduct thorough research on companies and industries. Analyze financial statements, evaluate competitive advantages, and stay updated on industry trends. This knowledge empowers beginners to make informed investment decisions and identify potential opportunities for growth. They say knowledge is power, but in this case knowledge is money.


Investing vs. Trading

Do you know the difference between investing and trading? If you don’t – read on. If you do – read on, just in case.

Investing involves a long-term approach, aiming to build wealth gradually. Trading, on the other hand, focuses on short-term profit-taking through frequent buying and selling. On a practical level – investing can take years of waiting and hoping, while trading is an ongoing activity, with ups and downs happening on an hourly basis.


Swing Trading vs. Day Trading

Swing trading involves holding stocks for a few days to weeks, capitalizing on price fluctuations. Day trading involves buying and selling stocks on the same trading day. Which kind of trading is more suitable for you? Choose the strategy that aligns with your risk tolerance.

Ask yourself if you are more aggressive in your trading, if you like to be more active, or if you prefer to take it slow. How do you usually deal with losing and making money, and would you be okay if you lost X% of the funds in your account?

Day trading is for you if you like sitting in front of your computer and being active in your trading, making real-time decisions, challenging yourself with this style of trading, and swing is more subtle. It is suitable for you if you have less time for trading, maybe if you are engaged in your job, or if you want to take it easier.


Choosing the Right Brokerage Account

You should learn the different types of brokerage account available and carefully consider the fees and commissions involved. Also, remember that secret I told you about? Well it’s coming up…


Types of Brokerage Accounts

In the world of stocks, there are various types of brokerage accounts to suit different needs. Common options include individual brokerage accounts for personal trading, retirement accounts like IRAs for long-term investing, and margin accounts for borrowing funds to leverage investment opportunities.


Comparing Brokerage Platforms

When comparing brokerage platforms, it is crucial to consider factors such as the platform’s user interface, available research and analysis tools, customer support, trading fees, account minimums, and the range of investment options offered. A thorough evaluation of these features can help traders find a brokerage platform that aligns with their trading style and trading goals.

Your trading style will determine the broker or the platform you would like to use. For example, if you’re a scalper, you would look for a fast execution platform/broker and a right layout and hotkeys to be able to work efficiently. If you’re a short seller in your core, I’d suggest looking for a broker that can provide you with shortable stocks, locate quickly HTB (hard to borrow) and have low extra fees such as locating fees.


Considering Fees and Commissions

This is an important aspect when choosing a brokerage account. You should carefully examine the fee structure associated with the account, including trading commissions, account maintenance fees, and any additional charges. It’s essential to compare the fee schedules of different brokers to find a balance between competitive pricing and the services offered. Evaluating the impact of these fees on investment returns is crucial, as higher fees can eat into profits over time. Additionally, it’s worth considering if the broker offers commission-free trading for certain securities or has discounted rates for frequent traders.

Stock Broker Alternative – Stock Trading Prop Firm

As promised – we’re letting you in on a secret: As of 2022 there’s a new option for Forex Traders, a perfect solution for both new and experienced traders that lets you invest less money and gain more buying power than brokers can provide. This option is prop trading for Forex Traders. This model of trading that has been previously only available for Forex traders is now open to Forex Traders as well when opening an account with “Funded Trades Now For You” stock prop firm. You can invest as little as $97 for a trading account and get additional benefits such as courses, support, free use of advanced scanners and a trading app.

ttp - a prop firm for Forex Traders

Trading Strategies for Beginners

Now that you’ve got yourself an account, let’s dwell on the 3 most important strategies for beginners trading stocks:

Dollar-Cost Averaging

Dollar-Cost Averaging is a forex trading strategy where taders invest a fixed amount regularly over time, regardless of market conditions. This approach reduces the impact of short-term market volatility and eliminates the need for trying to time the market.

This strategy is recomended for beginner traders because of its simplicity. The concept is that you buy the same asset every month regardless of its state and without deep analysis, as long as you believe that it will reach new highs in time. This strategy will usualy be applied on stocks with low beta (which means that they ‘re correlated with the market indices (companies like AAPL, AMD, etc.). Another option is to apply the DCA on the ETFs of the market such as QQQ (Nasdaq), SPY (S&P 500).

Strategy breakdown

In order to execute this strategy the best possible way, you should first look for an asset that has a potantiel to grow over time.
To find this asset you should look for positve indicators that will supoprt your decicion making such as:

  • Company forecast sales / revenue
  • New products
  • Penetrating to new markets
  • New C-level / board members

Pull backs

As you are probably aware, the market and basically any asset move in waves, and after a move to the upside, there will be a correction of the price, or as we call it, a pullback.
A classic pullback – a technical pullback, will be one that moves in the opposite direction of the previous move, but not more than 50% out of it.

The idea of this strategy is to look for a buy signal after the end of the correction and join the ‘bigger picture’ trend.

Beginner traders will find this type of strategy easy to identify and understand due to its clear price movements. As a result, they often choose to trade it during the initial months of their trading career.

Strategy breakdown

  • Find a stock that moves in an up / down trend (make sure the trend is not over-extended)
  • Wait until the price pulls back to the support/resistance level (the stronger the level the better. If you’re a day trader you should mark the levels from the 1H/4H charts, if you swing trading you should mark the levels from a 3 days / weekly chart)
  • Once price holds support/resistance level look for a reversal candle/pattern/consolidation.
    *You can always use an indicator such as Exponential Moving Average to give you more indication that there are buyers on that support level.


It is probably the oldest type of strategy that has ever been used by active traders.

In this type of strategy, we will look to trade an asset that builds momentum towards a break of a new high (or short-sell it).
The crucial part in order to succeed in this type of strategy will be to find the right asset to trade on, an asset that shows strength and developing momentum (the heartbeat of the stock, the pace of the movement).

Strategy breakdown

  • Find a stock that has been watched by many traders today / last few days/weeks (in most cases it will be major news that drives it)
  • Look for a strong and fast move to the upside (the same can apply for short selling)
  • After the strong move, you should see the price consolidate at the top 30% of the previous move
  • Once it’s ready, the stock should breakthrough that consolidation and continue to climb for a new high/upper resistance level.


Developing a Long-Term Mindset

Developing a long-term mindset is super important for Forex Traders. It involves focusing on the fundamental value of investments, understanding that short-term market fluctuations are inevitable. Emphasizing patience, discipline, and a strategic approach enables traders to make informed decisions and ride out market volatility for potential long-term gains.

What I’m trying to say, is simply: look at the big picture. don’t let the bumps on the road slow you down, the destination is still the same destination. Here’s how to do that-


The Importance of Patience in Stock Trading

Be patient and stay patient. Patience is vital in forex trading as it allows traders to wait for the right opportunities and avoid impulsive decisions. It enables them to withstand market fluctuations, stick to their trading plan, and potentially benefit from long-term growth and higher returns.


Avoiding Emotional Decision-Making

Emotions like fear and greed can cloud judgment and lead to impulsive actions. By maintaining a rational mindset, traders can make disciplined decisions based on analysis and strategy, increasing the likelihood of long-term success.

I suggest meditating before the opening bell, this will help you moderate your mood, control your adrenaline, which will affect your decision making in real time. Another option is to visualize the trading session. This technique is used by pro traders for many years and also used in other performance-based fields. The idea is to close your eyes and visualize the trade the you are executing, feel what it will be like when you click on the mouse key, when you make a decision to take some profits out of the table, and how do you react if it will go against you. Once you see the full picture it will be much easier to make a logical decision and not let the emotional aspects trigger your behavior.


Staying Informed and Adapting to Market Conditions

Always be informed and adaptive to the market conditions. Regularly monitoring news, economic indicators, and company updates will help you, as a trader, make informed decisions. This adaptiveness allows for flexibility in adjusting strategies and maximizing potential opportunities for success.


Managing Risk

Managing risk is THE important skill to have in forex trading. I can’t stretch that enough, never underestimate risk management.  Implementing risk management strategies, such as setting stop-loss orders and diversifying the portfolio, helps protect against significant losses. By carefully assessing and mitigating risks, you can safeguard your capital, preserve long-term sustainability, and improve your chances of achieving consistent profitability. Risk management includes:


Setting Stop-Loss Orders

Setting stop-loss involves placing an order to automatically sell a stock if its price drops to a predetermined level. This strategy helps limit potential losses by allowing traders to exit positions before losses escalate. It adds discipline to trading and protects against unforeseen market downturns.


Understanding Market Volatility

Understanding market volatility in stocks involves being aware of price fluctuations and instability, allowing traders to adjust strategies, manage risk effectively, and make informed decisions in response to market conditions.


Monitoring and Adjusting Your Portfolio

Regularly reviewing the performance of your holdings, analyzing market trends, and considering changes in your investment goals can help identify opportunities and risks. By making adjustments to your portfolio, you can optimize your tradings and adapt to evolving market conditions. Remember, forex trading is not a “set and forget” game, watch your portfolio if you want it to thrive. Here are some ways to monitor you portfolio:


Tracking Performance and Making Adjustments

Utilizing Trading Journals Software

It’s 2023 and Forex Traders today have tools that weren’t available to traders before. Use these tools, it can only upgrade your trading. They offer real-time updates, performance analysis, and historical data on individual stocks and the overall portfolio. Portfolio tracking tools enable traders to make informed decisions, identify trends, and optimize their trading strategy for better risk management and potential profitability. Do yourself a favor and familiarize yourself with at least one of these tools.

Today there are 3 different software providers for trading journals:

Each one of them has its own unique features but they all serve the same purpose of analyzing your trades, giving you a better understanding of your trading stats and with the right analysis you will be able to find your edge as a trader in the market.

The prices for a monthly use of these programs range from $30 to $80, depending on the plan you choose.

* Now is a good time to let you know that in addition to the many benefits of a having a prop account at Funded Trades Now For You, with most plans you also get a free use of TraderSync!


Reviewing and Rebalancing Your Investments

Regularly assess your portfolio as it allows you to identify overexposed or underperforming assets. Rebalancing involves adjusting your allocation to maintain desired risk levels. This practice helps optimize your portfolio, align it with your trading goals, and adapt to changing market conditions for better long-term performance and profits.



Trading stocks is a long-term game (yes, even if you’re a day trader), and since we’re talking about a performance-based field, we want to continue to grow and improve over time.
To do that we must engage with learning and real-time experience, so we can gather trading data and analyze those results.
Your path to becoming a profitable trader will demand you to take it seriously.

I hope that after reading this you have more confidence about trading in stock with little money. I urge you to educate yourself, set clear goals, and use the right tools for the correct moves.

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Because of FTNFU Risk Management I’m Now A $160K Funded Trader https://.com/logic-of-trading/ https://.com/logic-of-trading/#respond Tue, 28 Mar 2023 14:42:58 +0000 https://.com/?p=3602 “Low your position size on trades where you are not extremely confident in,” That’s Danny’s Advice. Danny G, 50 years old, From the US. Danny has successfully passed our Extra Trading Capital program and is now one of TTP’s funded traders, or as we call it, “Stock Star.” Every time he reaches 5 consecutive winning […]

The post Because of FTNFU Risk Management I’m Now A $160K Funded Trader appeared first on Funded Trades Now For You - Stock Trading Prop Firm.

“Low your position size on trades where you are not extremely confident in,” That’s Danny’s Advice.

Danny G, 50 years old, From the US.

Danny has successfully passed our Extra Trading Capital program and is now one of TTP’s funded traders, or as we call it, “Stock Star.”

Every time he reaches 5 consecutive winning days, we will boost his buying power and max exposure.

We spoke with Danny about his trading plan, insights, and lessons gained while trading in the markets and our platform as a funded trader.


Watch The Interview With Danny


$160K funded trader With Funded Trades  Now For You


$160K funded trader With TTP


Tell us a little bit about yourself

Married w 2 kids. Grew up with the idea that I always wanted to be self-employed. After starting many small businesses, I found trading. The idea of being able to master a high-income skill and make this my business is what drives me. To be able to run a home-based business with unlimited income potential with no overhead, employees, inventory, etc. I enjoy water sports and golfing. I would love to be able to share this high-income skill with as many people as possible, especially my friends, family, and children.

How long have you been trading?

I have been studying for 4 to 10 hours per day for the past 14 months. This includes courses, reading, podcasts, and screen time. I am a scalper.

Briefly describe your Trading Plan and how it contributes to your success.

My trading plan incorporates the structure of the chart as the most important foundation. Demand and supply zones and key levels. I am looking at channels, ranges, and market equilibrium.I have a strategy for ranges, channels, and trends.

Share with us a challenge you faced in your trading career and how you overcame it

My biggest challenge has been risk management. I love your platform as it has fixed rules in place to close trades when a trade loss limit is reached and also when daily loss limits are reached. In my opinion, the 2 biggest rules that cause traders to lose and blow accounts are.

ttp - a prop firm for Forex Traders

How did you adjust risk management to your trading personality?

I am continually improving on closing positions faster when the trade goes against me—allowing me to focus on the next trade, which may be on the same setup if still valid.

Describe a key moment in your trading career

My biggest moments were when I blew up an account. The drive inside me knows that as long as I never quit, I will become a master day trader.Another key moment has been meeting my 2 mentors Navin from Urban forex and the GOAT Eric from Spy Day Trading, who regularly has 7 figure days trading SPY. Navin taught me my foundation. The logic of trading, The concept of the Big Boys, buyers/sellers territoryEric teaches me structure, equilibrium, and how big boys and professional traders never lose money trading… they use various options strategies and hedging to protect themselves.

How long did it take for you to become a consistent trader, and what aspects did you change for that?

It took me 1 year.

What is your mental/psychological strength, and how did you develop it

Aggression. As a former poker player, I learned not to focus on the dollar amount but to recognize when the odds are in my favor and when to step on the gas, which is why I am a scalper. Aggressive traders can not go for home runs. They must get in and out as structure demands. Risk vs. reward. I have been developing since I was in elementary school, selling candy door to door, then watching my father as a small business owner, then the biggest is failing over and over.

What was your strategy for successfully passing the evaluation phase?

In 1 word structure. If I am not mistaken, the days after the bank collapse offered a great opportunity for a retracement trade, as this type of news generally is an overreaction. By observing structure, and levels, I was able to be ready by watching the structure develop and price action to find its support level.

How is trading for Funded Trades Now For You different from trading by yourself?

The biggest is that your service has the capital and the strict risk management rules in place that are not moveable. They require the trader to ahere to the rules. I believe if each trader who is by themselves had these rules in place without the ability to move stop loss or daily losses, there would be so many more successful traders.

What would you recommend to someone who is just starting with us?

I absolutely would recommend traders to your service. However, I believe they must 1st learn the logic of trading and structure, ranges, and equilibrium.

Share online resources that were/are significant in your trading development. Names and links are appreciated

Navin @ Urban Forex and Eric @ Spy Day Trading. Both on youtu

Would you like to share anything else with us?

Thank you, TTP.

The post Because of FTNFU Risk Management I’m Now A $160K Funded Trader appeared first on Funded Trades Now For You - Stock Trading Prop Firm.

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